Van Gogh's Ear

vangoghsear cover

Vol. 7: The Supernatural Edition

EDITOR: Felice Picano

The seventh and final edition of the Van Gogh's Ear anthology, "The Supernatural Edition," focuses on works featuring the weird, wonderful, imaginary, and thoroughly supernatural. Full of stories, poems, artwork, and various creative essays, the culmination of the Van Gogh's Ear anthology is anything but a smooth, predictable ride; rather, the range of styles and themes sweeps the reader away, promising an unforgettable experience. The 'supernatural' theme appears both overtly and subtly, in spirituality and imagination, in experiences both real and ethereal. Edited by Felice Picano, this volume features works by an international contingent of authors, including Jorge Artajo, Camille Feinberg, Fern C.Z. Carr, Samuel Ace, Saint James Harris Wood, Edmund White, Imani Tolliver, McArthur Gunther, Steven Reigns, Reginald T. Jackson, and Jayanta Mahapatra. Particular treats include a social commentary by Plutarch, a short story by Turkish writer Serdar Türkeli, and a nonfiction piece about riding on Juan Peron's coffin by travel journalist Michael Luongo.


Publisher: French Connection Press

ISBN: 978-2-914853-118

RETAIL: $ 19.00 

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