Outwards Books presents Felice Picano & David Pratt
Saturday, October 17, 2020, 02:00pm
Contact  or call 414.963.9089.

Outwords Books is pleased to welcome Felice Picano and David Pratt, two of our favorite writers for our first Zoom Author Event.

Considered a founder of modern gay literature, Picano along with Andrew Holleran and Edmund White, among others, formed the legendary Violet Quill which helped create the post-Stonewall renaissance of American gay male writing. More recently, Picano has been a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, the San Francisco Examiner, The Lesbian & Gay Review and The Lambda Book Report.

Joining Felice Picano on the program is David Pratt, a writer who first visited Outwords Books for the release of his first book, the award-winning “Bob the Book.” More recently, David Pratt has published “Todd Sweeney: The Fiend of Fleet High,” a surprising parody of Sweeney Todd“ and the highly acclaimed Young Adult novel, “Wallaçonia.” Also a playwright, David will read from his new collection, “Two Plays: The Snow Queen, November Door.”

Felice Picano is the author of more than 20 books, including the best-selling novels “Like People in History,” “Looking Glass Lives,” “The Lure,” as well as the literary memoirs “True Stories,” and “True Stories Too.” He is also the co-author with Dr. Charles Silverstein on the bestselling “The New Joy of Gay Sex.”

Felice Picano will be reading from his new collection of poems, “Songs and Poems.”

The program will begin at 2:00 pm. For further information, please email or call 414.963.9089.

Anyone can attend, see the Facebook Event Page here for a direct link to the room at the time of the event. Or CLICK HERE!

Location Online, through Facebook & Zoom