Gay Hollywood in the Golden Age
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 06:30pm
Contact Please call 978-249-9515 to reserve your spot!
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A delicious evening of Rumor and Scandal, mostly confirmed,
in an evening of *Words and Pictures

Award-winning writer Felice Picano is coming to Athol from his home in West Hollywood, California!

Felice will give an entertaining and informative presentation on "Gay Hollywood in the Golden Age" at the Athol Public Library on Oct. 18, 2018, starting at 6:30 p.m. Free and open to the public!

Although best known as a novelist (Late in the SeasonLike People in History), playwright and, recently, a memoirist (Nights at Rizzoli, True Stories), Felice Picano was called to Hollywood in 1977 to work for Cary Grant’s Brut Productions in film. He returned in the mid-1980s and worked with director Frank Perry (David and Lisa, Mommy Dearest). Even before his first book tour in 1979 for the international best seller, The Lure, Picano was an openly gay author and he met, interacted with, and was befriended by many Hollywood actors and writers. This talk with photographs and illustrations is based on what they told him.

More informatioin:  Athol Public Library, Athol MA